Vanessa Shumway and I enjoyed lunch at one of our favorite restaurants--Korean food. What you don't see are the messy slop stains from the first course. We love our Dupoki and Bulgogi.
A sore back has caused me to stay on a heating pad and gobble up Ibuprofens like M&Ms. It's probably because I attempted running last night and as Paul reminded me today...I am not a "light girl". Thanks Paul, for the reminder.
Brenda Svendsen's yard is a treasure trove of garden gems. She graciously allowed me to photograph many of them and post this. Of all the pictures (and there were many), I really liked this one the best. Don't ask me why. Thanks Brenda!
I've broken my rule again: put in two pictures instead of one. But you have to see the detail and the whole mural that Mary Lee did for our Primary. Every child is on this mural and they have loved looking for themselves in "the scriptures.
I used to live with the Christensen family in Twin Falls during the summer while my parents were in Taiwan. We got to see each other at Bill Toolson's funeral. We put the "fun" in funeral today.
Janessa Simmons is home from her mission to Greece. She is one of Paige's good friends and she was one of my girls at Girls' Camp. I love seeing these beautiful girls grow up to become beautiful women.
I started crying the minute we sang the opening song and didn't stop until I started buttering my roll. Who knew how much I needed this? Certainly not me.
It may not look like much now...but we're going to have to wait a few months for an "After" picture. (Mr. Big peas on the west; Little Marvels on east fence)